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In July of 2016 Terry MacAlmon went to the historic city of Dordrecht, The Netherlands, for a special night of worship. Although the group was small, all came with the desire to lift up the name of Jesus and the tangible presence of God filled the room. Join the choir of worshipers and worship along!
Can you hear the sound of heaven
Like the sound of many waters
It's the sound of worship coming from the throne
There are cries of adoration
As men from every nation
Lift their voice to make His glory known, singing...
Holy, holy, holy are You, Lord
Holy, holy, holy are You, Lord
The elders and angels bow
The redeemed worship You now
Holy, holy, holy are You, Lord
Holy Are You Lord - Terry MacAlmon
Copyright © 1997 TMMI Music (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
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