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Throughout the years God has used the worship music of Terry as an instrument to bring many gifts to the body of Christ. Bodies have been healed, relationships reconciled, broken hearts mended, and many lives have been set free from demonic oppression. These wonderful things have happened during corporate meetings, but even more-so as folks just listened and worshiped along with the CDs in their own homes and automobiles.

Terry: "I had no idea what the Lord was going to do with these recordings. I have been the most amazed of anyone to watch over 2 million units be distributed around the world. The testimonies still come in, many of them miraculous in nature. There is NOTHING like the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  I give Him all the glory for the work He has done and continues to do."

What is your testimony?

Testimonies are not meant to exalt the instrument God is using, but to give glory and honor to the One Who is responsible for it all: Jesus Christ. The worship music is just a channel He is using, but it is Jesus Who saves, Jesus Who heals, Jesus Who delivers and Jesus Who restores.

And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Revelation 19:10

How has Jesus used this worship music in your life? And how was your life impacted by it? Your testimony can release the spirit of prophecy and encourage someone today! Therefore we invite you to share what He has done in your life in the comments below, so that we can use it to encourage others.

comments ( 18 )

Ava Andrews
Feb 14, 2025

Glory! God just last week brought your music back to my ears after a very long time. I have 5 of your older cds that I had forgot about. How I could have forgot about this very anointed and God filled music I don’t know. I currently am in charge of the 5th sunday worship service. I am already putting together some of your songs for a 5th sunday service, probably more than one! Thank you so much for listening to the Lord. You are a blessing to the body of Christ.

Bridgett Feather
Oct 20, 2024

I don’t know what else to do
My siblings are turning against
Me and it hurts my heart and
My soul deeply
I’ve been trying to reason with
Them but they push me away
My niece Kandi told me that
I was boring her about Jesus
And that she didn’t care about
Him and for me to leave her
Alone because she doesn’t Want to hear it
Plus my step brother said that
I’m stupid because I come from animals and when I said no I
Didn’t I was created by my
Precious father God
He got mad at me and said That I have animal DNA in me
And now he doesn’t want Anything else to do with me
So would someone please tell
Me what to do should I stop
Just let it go or should I keep
At it?? 🥺😢😞💔
Please help me

Linda Bundy
Oct 20, 2024

I am writing to thank you for being faithful and continuing with your ministry. I discovered you about 20 years ago when churches still had bookstores and bought a lot of your CDs. I love the worship on these CDs. But much has changed and CD players are gone and MP3 players are gone and one day I realized I missed this worship because the Lord has me in a more Baptist environment. I spent a week looking for a CDplayer and found a computer that would play your CDs. Then I discovered utube. I’m in my 70s now and this is new to me. I am so lifted up by your music again. I listen to you everyday. Thank you Terry, May God richly bless you and yours.

Oct 20, 2024

I received a cancer diagnosis at the end of June and was struggling with it. With tears streaming down my face, I asked my husband if he ever just felt like giving up. (We both have some physical issues.) It was a Saturday morning, and we started talking and reading Scripture, and he had on your Night Sounds music. All of a sudden “In the Presence of Jehovah” came on, and we stopped to just listen. The presence of God filled our room and hearts as we have never felt Him before. It was so amazing! I knew now that He cared and would see us through this trial. I hadn’t heard that worship song in years and as it was instrumental only, the Lord brought back to my mind many of the words. I wouldn’t trade that time with the Lord for anything. Thank you for your praise music.

Oct 20, 2024

I have been listening and worshiping to your music for at least a couple of years. I got saved in 1973 after returning from my second overseas assignment. I am a Vietnam veteran (USAF military police 1972). I have suffered from ptsd for some years now. your anointed worship music has been a great help in calming my mind when I need it the most. During some of my travels and time in an airplane I have spend hours on end worshipping and listening to the soothing anointed music. It has helped me a lot to experience God’s peace. Thank you very much Terry! May our dear Lord by His Spirit continue to lbess you so you can be a blessing to many.

Linda Palmer
Oct 20, 2024

Dear Terry & Liz, I thank God that HE led me to your music over 2 years ago. Your music, has ministered to my spirit on such a deep level.

I have known the LORD JESUS since I was 8 years old, walking down the saw dust trail at a Merv Rosell camp meeting in Oakland, California, and as a child, asking CHRIST to forgive me of all my sin, and come into my heart, and be LORD of my life!

When I was 17, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, given my prayer language, and began to worship the LORD, from that time on….through my prayer language and music. I played piano, since I was 6 years old (my Mom made sure we all had piano lessons….all 5 of us). I also played the flute. After Bible school, I began to play in different churches and YWAM, helping to lead in worship and praise to GOD.

I love the LORD with all my heart, and all I’ve ever wanted to do, is worship and praise HIM, in every aspect of my life.

Unfortunately, my first marriage ended in divorce (after 10 years), and after 2 sons (Jason & Jerry), and I went through such a time of sorrow and repentance, and GOD forgave me! How I love HIM!

After that, I continued on in YWAM ministry, until my sons grew up, and left to live with their Dad for awhile.

Then GOD brought my husband, Gary into my life, IN 1991, and we were married, and had 29 beautiful years together ….. loving each other, and the Lord Jesus, with all our hearts. We served in YWAM for a short time, then moved to Boise, Idaho in 2005, where we were involved in church and ministry, here.

In October, 2020, Gary was diagnosed with 4th stage pancreatic cancer. God gave us 3 more months together…pain free for Gary, which was a miracle. So many all over the world were praying for Gary, and we were asking GOD to completely heal him. On February 2, 2021, God answered our prayers, and took Gary Home to Heaven, completing the healing in him, that we had asked for.

Since then, I have been really missing Gary a lot, but GOD has ministered deeply to my spirit, through your music, Terry. It has helped me to stay in the center of the Presence of GOD, WHO continues to minister HIS comfort and love to me, daily! A favorite song you sing, that deeply ministers to me, is, “The Lamb Is Worthy of All Praise.”

Thank you so much, Terry & Liz ….. Your music has been the Balm of Gilead to my soul, this past month, since Gary went to Heaven, on Feb. 2, 2021.

I now have a new assignment from the LORD JESUS, to go to Las Vegas, Nevada, where I have been invited by my youngest son, Jerry and his wife, Christina, and the grandkids, to live there with them. They are not Believers, so I would appreciate your prayers and all who read this, that through my life, they will want to come into relationship with JESUS, too!

I will continue to pray for both of you….as long as God continues my life, here on earth! I hope your “Hours With Jesus” will continue until the LORD comes back!

Love you both, and may GOD continue to bless you, and draw you both, closer to HIM, until HE returns, and we all gather around the Throne of GOD, to sing glory and praise to our dear LAMB of GOD, JESUS CHRIST!

Linda Palmer

Cassandra Malave
Oct 20, 2024

Dear “Uncle Terry”,
That’s what my family calls you here! you and Liz have become such a glorious and close part of our family since “An Hour with Jesus” began that we feel very close to “you and yours”. But I’m writing to tell you about something miraculous that’s taking place when you play instrumental music! Something wonderful, something spiritual, something miraculous is taking place! The SPIRIT within me is rising up and SINGING praises of love, of holiness, of great grandeur that I KNOW isn’t coming from “little ol’ me”! I begin listening to your “Night Sounds”, and especially the last 45 minutes or so, and I can’t fully explain it, but the Holy Spirit begins to move in and through me in an unprecedented way that I’ve never heard of nor seen in anyone before!
And NO, you aren’t just “a monkey someone puts a quarter in and you play the piano”! NO ONE on earth carries the anointing YOU carry, nor does anyone on earth carry the anointing I carry! We are UNIQUE among the Lord’s saints; it may behoove you to read some of the articles I’ve written, especially lately about praise being ordained from the mouths of babes and sucklings. Jesus equated that praise with STRENGTH, and if EVER we are going to need that strength, it will be in 2021.
This is primarily for you and Liz. It doesn’t necessarily need to be published, unless you want to edit the daylights out of it! Hahaha! Anyway, if you want to find me on Facebook, check out the International Messianic Bible Study for the articles I publish daily. There is much strength, encouragement and comfort to be had there.
My husband and I truly value your ministry, and we are looking forward to praising our great God and King in eternity with both of you along with the millions of saints! May the Lord fill your hearts and home with a new sense of His Presence, a deeper intimacy with Himself, and a renewed love for His Word! Shalom, precious saints of the Living God!

Cassandra Yedidah Malave
Oct 20, 2024

Dear Terry and Liz,
I listen to the Wednesday Night Worship sessions in the middle of the night, so I can really be alone to “enter in” to the Presence of the Lord. I was craving that song you sang about “I want to love you Lord, I want to know you Lord”, but couldn’t find it. So I gave up and the Lord led me to Session 1, Episode 5! Halleluyah! There it was! Even though that episode was “not working properly” according to human standards, according to the LORD’S standards it was WONDERFUL! The Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit re-ignited the fire within which the enemy has been furiously trying to put out for days now! Winter is coming, and I live in a VERY poor area. We don’t qualify as being “poor” . . . we’s po’! Hahaha! Just a joke! But the folks around here will suffer this winter if the grocery store shelves go bare. It won’t MATTER how many Food Stamps a person has if there’s no food to be had, and the Food Pantries are getting a bit scarce on food lately, too.
So since I’m a fair-to-middlin’ cook, the Lord is leading me to begin putting up an old American dish called “Hoppin’ John” in our freezer for those in need. It’s nutritionally complete without being overly expensive to produce. And during the worship session last night, He spoke to me that it would be terrific if I were to get some $1.00 Bibles to hand out for those who would like one, along with an envelope called “Your Blessing” with a Promise Scripture inside to bless each recipient of the food!
I’ve also been praying that the Lord will open up a church in this area (the Brunswick neighborhood of Gary, Indiana) since these folks DON’T have a church close by, and honestly, they NEED someplace that can preach a simple gospel message, a place for their children to go to Sunday School, someplace to help give them a community identity that they can be proud of.
Well, anyway, I digress. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO CLOSE TO OUR LORD! You lead US closer to Him, our Beloved soon-coming Bridegroom! Many thanks to you both for your sacrificial gift to HIM whom our souls love!
In Messiah Yeshua,
I remain your servant,
Cassandra Yedidah Malave

Dollis Stacks
Sep 02, 2020

Dear Brother Terry, It was no accident that I stumbled across your anointed worship music about 2 years ago. Holy Are You Lord, one of the songs that changed my life forever.
On January 11, 2019, my 31 year old daughter who was suffering from sleep deprivation, diagnosed with depression & schizophrenia jumped off the balcony of our home & dropping about 25 to 30 feet down to the ground. She shattered her Femur bone, her arm, fractured her Pelvis bone & shoulder.
I ran downstairs & found her mangled body. She was alive. Praise be unto God. After 3 surgeries, physical therapy & new medication, she is able to walk again & has full use of her arm.
But getting through 2019 made this 2020 pandemic seem like a walk in the park. I played your worship music over & over & over… Your songs lifted my spirit into the presence of the Lord where I received comfort from the pain & sadness that plagued me. I give God all the praise, all the glory. Today your music ushers in the presence of the Holy Spirit in my home. My household is blessed by your anointing. I thank God for An Hour With Jesus. My daughter has given her life to Christ. She now smiles often, laughs out loud & acts silly. Even though life get rough at times we are eternally grateful, thankful & blessed to be in the land of the living as we worship with you, your beautiful wife & our internet families.
May God bless & keep you & your family

Rosann Steffensmeier
Sep 02, 2020

Terry, Why am I just finding your music now? There is such peace when I play your music. I am a cantor for my choir at church and I say to you Praise God for your gift! It has been my background music when I do praise and worship at home and it has taken me to depths I have never experienced before. I am a charismatic catholic that has been assigned by God to be an intercessor for others. My prayer life has deepened tremendously while listening to your music. THANK YOU!! I am a nurse that has been quarantined because I work in a hospital. Worshipping Jesus with your Music has become a lifeline for me
God Bless you!

Cassandra Yedidah Malave
Aug 27, 2020

I’ve been listening to your music for years now, but have been away for about the last 12 years or so. Just now coming back to “the heart of worship”, which is loving Jesus. No one says it better in worship than you do, and I appreciate being able to access this day or night.
I wanted to tell you about how Episode 21 (your “difficult” episode) has touched me. In it, you speak about “authentic humility”. You couldn’t have said it better. As a child, I was sexually, physically, and verbally abused. It left me with a LOT of anger issues. Throughout the years, our beloved Jesus worked me through most of it, healed me through most of it, delivered me through most of it. But still, some residual anger lingers. I’ve been trying to get rid of it for the past 3 years. This is the month of Elul. I am a Messianic Jew, saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1973, and am now 67 years old. During this special month, we say, “The King is out in the field”, meaning He is easier to access for what our heart desires most. He knows my heart’s desire is to FINALLY be rid of this latent anger. And LAST NIGHT, as I listened to Episode 21 for about the 3rd time, He showed me the roots of my anger lay in pride and selfishness. What a marvelous revelation! The season of t’shuvah (repentance) follows the month of Elul, and then of course Yom Kippur (Atonement). What a perfectly marvelous time for the Lord Jesus to bring your music back into my life after all these years absent!
What a refreshing breeze it was! Say HI to your lovely wife Liz for me and my husband, who is ALSO Puerto Rican! Let her know that I know how to make Pasteles, and if you are ever in the Gary, Indiana area, I’ll be sure to have a couple dozen set aside for you! Today’s menu is lechon, malanga, y arroz con gandules! Making your mouth water yet?? Hahaha!
May the Lord bless you and keep you as you continue following His leading for your life throughout the short time we have left! And yes, I am on Facebook. I am the Administrator of the International Messianic Bible Study on Facebook and the I. M. Info Sharing Site. Praise His Holy Name! Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord! Baruch haba bashem Adonai!

jill livengood
Jun 09, 2020

I can’t express with words what a blessing it’s been to hear One Hour With Jesus each week. The Covid crisis has been hard on the entire world. In my world, during the crisis, I have lost most of my job teaching keyboard. To top that, one night I found my husband Benjamin on his back on the kitchen floor with his head in a pool of blood. He is recovering, but can no longer work. Taking care of him, I am no longer working as head of security in our church, or designing security programs. I have experienced stress to the point of having racing heart and many other symptoms. Twice during One Hr. with Jesus, the tangible presence of God touched me, He spoke to me, and I experienced a literal physical, emotional, & mental healing. Only His Presence can achieve something like that! Thank you for sharing each week in a world where it is missing that personal connection with other people. Thanks for coming right into our living room and sharing His Presence! Benjamin and I do not feel anywhere near as lonely! Love to All!!!

Mar 07, 2020

Pastor Terry, in November 2019, I began to have episodes of Vertigo (long story short). On December 22, 2019, on my drive to church (BCFC) I had an episode. The Lord Jesus, told me to, "Listen to Terry’s music on the way to work and on the way home from work, and do not be on the cell phone (bluetooth). I am obeying the Lord. I have NOT had any more Vertigo episodes since December 22, 2019. Your music brings healing. Praise God for His healing and deliverance power. Thank God for you and your Worship music in Jesus Name Pastor Terry.

Bessie Miller

Linda Palmer
Feb 10, 2020

I discovered Terry MacAlmon’s music, in 2019. Every time I listen to his music, the awesome presence of God fills the room, along with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which is all over Terry ……. I worship with joy and tears in a way that I believe we will all worship around the Throne of God, on that glad DAY that we meet our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, face to Face!……..Terry MacAlmon is giving us a preview of that worship. I Praise God for the gift that God has given, Terry, to lead us all in worship of the beautiful Lamb of God!! Thank you, Terry, for your obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ! …. My prayers will be with you!

Florin Goga
Feb 10, 2020

Hello. Mr. Terry MacAlmon. My name is Florin Goga and I am from Oradea, Bihor County, Romania. I have discovered Terry MacAlmon’s Worship Songs and Music in the year of 2012. When I first listened the Worship Songs I felt God’s real presence (but I am saying this I mean that I was baptised in the year of 2010 on 27th of June at Grace Baptist Church in Oradea because I grew up in a foster home called Căminul Felix which is runned by a Swedish Pentecostal Pastor his name is Mr. Lars Hornberg) and I have felt God’s real presence not in the usual way that I have felt in my church were I was attending. Since then I realized that Mr. Terry MacAlmon is a godly man. The songs which he sings they are a real blessing for me and they are truly from the Throne of God.
May God bless you and all your family with health and wisdom. 🙂🇺🇸
I love that Mr. Terry MacAlmon to come and visit Romania in one day.

Florin Goga
Feb 10, 2020

Hello Mr. Terry MacAlmon. May God bless you and all your family with health and wisdom.

Florin Goga
Feb 10, 2020

Hello Mr. Terry MacAlmon. May God bless you and all your family with health and wisdom.

Isabella Ogo-Uzodike
Feb 08, 2020

I discovered Terry’s worship ministry in the the early 2000s when I was desperately desiring a closer walk with the Holy Spirit. Discovering Terry’s songs was the Father’s answer to my fervent heart’s cry. It was as if I discovered a goldmine that radically transformed my worship experience, both during my private devotion and during corporate worship. I was a worship leader in my home church so I taught the whole church almost all Terry’s songs. Sunday and midweek worship was never complete without worshipping with one or more of those beautiful songs for about 17 years. At the time I discovered his ministry, Terry’s music was not easily accessible in the UK so I had to order physical CDs from the US and I bought every single song of Terry’s I could find plus the backing tracks which we used in church. It’s been twenty years and I still pray and worship with these timeless worship songs. I soak with them, I worship with them and I lead worship with them. The strong anointing that is upon his life and upon those songs always facilitates an atmosphere shift and makes it easy to worship and pray. I have not only experienced heaven’s atmosphere through the CDs but I have met and worshipped with Terry in London, England multiple times. I once told Brother Terry that I would personally thank the Lord for his life when I get to heaven. That’s how impactful his ministry has been in my walk with the Lord. There is so much more to say but I will stop now. God bless you always Brother Terry. Thank you for yielding yourself to be such a gift and blessing to the Body of Christ.

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