Sing Over America!

Update: This blog was written in January of 2020, when Sing Over America was still scheduled to take place on May 7 & 8. Due to corona the event had to be rescheduled. It now takes place on October 29 & 30. Click here for more info.
Along the career pathway of a minister, there are many, many years of simply continuing to do what you do because that is what you do. I have been in full time ministry for some 44 years, and the vast majority of that time has been what I outlined in the last sentence. That’s just how life works, or at least life in God’s work. It’s all I’ve ever known so I can’t compare it to anything else. However, once in awhile there comes along a fresh word or vision from above and you know that you know God is speaking. I’ve had some over those 44 years, but they are few and far between. The event that our ministry is planning to oversee is exactly that, and it’s no small potatoes by any means. Sing Over America is for such a time as this, and it can’t come soon enough for our nation’s health and survival.
Early in 2019 I was seeking God for a way to touch my own city that I had not been able to do in the first 10 years of residence here. (“here” meaning Dallas, TX.) One morning I heard basically the same instruction from God that I heard back in 1998 in Colorado Springs. That word was this; “Gather the worshipers, I want to bring an open heaven to your city.” This time His instruction was again to gather the worshipers….but from coast to coast, and sing over your nation. It’s not dissimilar to the instruction Jehoshaphat gave to his people; something akin to “send the singers and musicians out ahead of the army”. God knew they could never win the war in the natural. Interestingly, He told Jeho (pardon the nickname - didn’t want to continue to have to type the whole thing and thought it sounded better than “Phat”) that he wouldn’t have to fight the battle. That must have come as quite a pleasant, although confusing word to the leader’s heart. But trusting God as he did, it was Jeho who took the initiative to send the praise team ahead. I always thought it was God who commanded it until I recently read the account again. I believe that’s where I am right now with Sing Over America. We’re taking the initiative to be proactive in lifting up Jesus over our nation.
Since I’ve taken this leap of faith, God has opened doors to confirm the vision. He needed to do that because the enemy is not in favor of this. He can throw the tool of discouragement at me at any given moment, and there have been many. But every time something goes wrong or doesn’t fall into place in our preparation for this two day worship event, God makes up the difference by sending good news our direction to keep us going and on point for May 7 & 8. Just this morning after trying for four months to find the one missing link regarding which artists to invite, the answer came while in prayer and was confirmed a few minutes later…from half way around the world. That can only be God! It proves that this venture is born of Him and not man. What a huge relief to know this!
20 years ago a prophetess saw three major thrusts in my ministry. The first two came fairly quickly and close to each other. This is the third and final thrust - I’m certain of it. How far and high it goes is not known to me right now. But I do believe we are on the cusp of a nation wide worship movement to usher in the last days revival we know is coming. I just want to do my part while it is still my turn. Don’t you!?
The whole concept of Sing Over America is based on Isaiah 54:1 - “Sing, oh barren one…” Many years ago I heard Dr. Jack Hayford minister on singing over your cities, churches, and even your own life. It was revelational to me and I’ve been teaching congregations about the power of song for many years. Everyone has areas of barrenness in their lives that can be filled by singing to the One who has the solution. If you’re sick, sing to Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals. If you can’t pay the rent, sing to Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides. If there’s great chaos in your home, sing to Jehovah Shalom, the Lord my peace. Singing releases the power of God. Just ask Paul and Silas in that dungeon. Every problem you will ever encounter in life can be sung over to one of the characteristics of our Heavenly Father. He’s got us covered!
I hope you will put Sing Over America on your 2020 calendar. Check out the website - www.singoveramerica.us - to find out more and register. What an opportunity! This may be the beginning of something that changes our nation and you need to be a part of the critical mass that will gather in Dallas, TX for two days in May. Help us sing His righteousness over California, Colorado and New York. Help us pull down principalities and powers that have been all too familiar in regions for generations. It truly is time to let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Let’s do this America!
comments ( 30 )
Donated and trying to watch replay of Sing Over America, from here in Melbourne, Australia.
But after clicking the link, the vimeo site state that “Live event has not started!” Please help.
What an amazing ministry you have, I am blessed beyond measure every time i listen to 1 Hour with Jesus. May God’s richest blessing be your portion in this Sing over America God Bless heather Briggs Australia
We live in dark times and I think it’s going to get worse. I soo appreciate Wednesday nights live. THANK YOU THANK YOU AND PRAISE GOD for you and everyone at New Glory.
This year began for us with a total disaster. Our house was burned down and we literally lost everything. We wish for nothing more but to be able to live back in a place where we have spent the last 50 years together.
We are with a verified charity:
Thank you for your support. Barbara.
Hi wondered what happened to Sing Over America. I dont see anything on website that it was cancelled or rescheduled.please advise. Thanks, Marsha
Terry—Just to note: been following you for many years. Have all your CD’s on a huge playlist which gets played a lot! Right now the highest number of times played some tunes is 800 times!! Just sayin’
Terry there is nothing I could add to what others have said, I can only echo their experience and express how greatly God’s wonderful ministry through your life blesses. I sing on the worship team at my small spirit filled church in Raleigh NC. One Sunday one of your CDs was being played after the service was over and immediately I was touched by the anointing present on the songs, and I inquired as to whom the artist was.
From that point I gathered all the songs you commercially recorded and started listening at night as I would go to sleep. From the very beginning The anointing was so heavy that I literally was moved into another dimension of the presence of God. I slumped over in my chair as I was transported into a new level of God’s presence.
I must tell you that recently I came across a vision from a prophetess in Australia and in her vision of the coming great revival upon the earth, worship played a key role. She saw that a new form and level of worship is springing forth in this last hour, and I truly am convinced your ministry is the forerunner in the vision. Be encouraged my brother!
Hi Min. Terry,
I am so much in love with your songs cos there are highly anointed.
Meanwhile, I received the news of the program “sing over America” with gratitude to God. I hope to be praying for the success of this event and will be ready to watch online.
Get ready to come to Nigeria. You’re Blessed!
Terry, my wife and I were recently given your CD, “The Sound of Heaven”, by the Christian school where she works. Listening to it for the first time this evening, made me realize how lukewarm I have been in my relationship with the Lord. I felt my heart go into worship while listening to the CD, and a refreshing from the Lord happened. Thank God for your ministry of worship! Also reading about “Sing Over America”, as you probably now understand, it is a divinely appointed time for this event to take place considering the Corona virus Pandemic happening. USA needs a revival for “such a time as this”! Sing Over America can be one of the tools to bring it about!
Terry, We’re so excited about “Singing Over America.” We just want you to know, that you have prayer warriors here in Boise, Idaho who will be praying for you and the whole team involved in this endeavor! We hope your Gathering will be streamed online, for those of us who can’t come……We will sure be praying! May you all have a fresh and mighty anointing on you, as you Sing Over America! ….. That the power of God will flow, and many will come to Jesus and be healed, as we live in these last evil days, before our Lord Jesus Christ returns…..God bless you, dear Brother!
P.S. I love your music……I listen to it, everyday, and worship my King of Glory, as I listen and sing along!
Terry, We’re so excited about “Singing Over America.” We just want you to know, that you have prayer warriors here in Boise, Idaho who will be praying for you and the whole team involved in this endeavor! We hope your Gathering will be streamed online, for those of us who can’t come……We will sure be praying! May you all have a fresh and mighty anointing on you, as you Sing Over America…..That the power of God will flow, and many will come to Jesus and be healed, as we live in these last evil days, before our Lord Jesus Christ returns…..God bless you, dear Brother!
Terry, We are SO excited about attending Singing over America in May. I cry every time I watch the promo and HOW the Lord gave you the vision for it. We have loved and listened to your music for decades and will continue to do so AND to see you minister in person in our church soon. So thankful to the Lord for your faithfulness and obedience in being led by the Lord. May the Holy Spirit continue to anoint you mightily as we wait for the Lord’s return.
AM overjoyed anytime am Ilistening to your song’s which I sing to the Lord ,I love glory and honour, come holy spirit etc, God bless you and all glory to our King
No worship albums touch my heart and spirit like yours right now I am listening to my favorite -live worship and wondering what your 2020 schedule is and so I found this site -may you not only do this in Dallas but all over America -all across her borders and in her heartland! For years I have hoped you could come to the old Fort Peck Theater in Fort Peck, Montana and have a concert there! I have connections since that’s where I grew up in that area. My mother taught music and grade school there in Fort Peck and my father helped to build both of the power houses. Also, my mother was church organist and choir director for 50+ years in Nashua and instilled in me the love of music and I went on to focus on vocal music.
It is a joy to sing with you along with your albums of which I have many and have a set also for my vehicle! and yes I agree but praise and worship is the key to tearing down the enemies strongholds!
I have been listening to your anointed music for a while now. I am excited about singoveramerica. Would it be possible that you have this streamed live ? Would love to join you on May 7 n 8 from Canada…let me know how to do this
Have been praying for revival and the Baptism of the Spirit of God since 2016 and I believe this is the beginning of that revival from heaven. Praise God!
Thank you for allowing the anointing to flow through your ministry to others. May God be glorified and His enemies be scattered! We’ll be praying for you all. See you and the miracle of God’s victory in the US in May and after.
Thank you for your faithfulness! We listen to your worship videos on YouTube in our home everyday. It is our joy to begin supporting your ministry financially. May true worship of our King and the presence of the Holy Spirit come back to our churches and nation.
Your music is so anointed i listen and worship with you always.
Wish i could be there but we do it in South Africa as the Word calls us in the Psalms below to do.
Love you.Jurgens
1Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
2Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
1Sing to the Lorda new song,
for he has done marvelous things;
Hi Terry, God bless you!
I wish I could join you in May to sing over your nation and over all nations. We are also in desperate need of the Lord here in Belgium (Europe). I will surely unite with you guys! Thank you for this initiative!
I’ll be attending the event and would love to serve during the event. Are you all setting up a team of volunteers to work the event?
Hi terry we will also be singing over Australia on those dates praise God, ❤️
Hi Terry
I know God will use you and the other artists in a way that will touch and change souls. All for the Glory of our Lord. Thank you for availing and listening to the call of God. Be blessed. Will be praying for you all.
Jesus is being dismissed from many churches throughout our nation and God is anointing you Terry to put Him back where He belongs and call the Bride off the valley floor to her beloved Bridegroom! These 2 days will be epic and I am praying every day for you and Liz and your family and your team. See you in May!
I am sure this is going to be a very special and historic worship event! I’m looking forward to the testimonies that will come out of this.
Hi Terry
I know the Lord will use you greatly at this special time . You carry a special and unigue Anointing.
Wednesday night is magnificent! Thank you!!!!!
(Psalm 98:5)