2022 - The Battle is the Lord’s

As I sit here pondering the events of recent history and looking forward into the new year, I can’t help but thank God for His faithfulness and put my whole trust in Him for whatever is coming down the pike in the months ahead. As much as we tend to over think and even worry about “next”, the battle truly does belong to the Lord. That’s what God told Jehoshaphat as he considered the army in front of him, even with odds that were quite unfavorable. With God on his side, did it really matter the size of the opponent?
I just completed an eight month studio project called Your Kingdom Come. At times, it felt like a burden too great to continue in….but God. He showed up time and time again when my strength was gone. The mental attack from the enemy’s camp can be so enhanced during seasons of recording - until I realize that this is God’s project and God alone will be glorified when it’s complete. Therefore, the battle belongs to the Lord. This thought brings me comfort even now.
Liz and I, like many if not all of you, have lost close friends and loved ones in the past year due to the covid virus or some other disease. We are battling in faith for the health of close friends right now. Sometimes you just want to quit….until you realize, the battle belongs to the Lord. His children are - HIS CHILDREN. And in reality, whether any of us live to a hundred or die tomorrow - we ARE the Lord’s! We are to do what we can - stand in faith, believing for victory and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. But beyond that, it’s in His hand, and we will do well to leave it there.
Our nation is up against the forces of darkness like never before. Our very freedom is being threatened in ways we’ve not experienced in our nearly 250 year history. It’s as if our constitution means almost nothing these days as evil minded men and legal authorities ignore it’s law with regularity. What are we to do? Is this a hopeless cause? It would be, except…the battle belongs to the Lord. We will stand on His word, and trust Him with our lives. Our faith may waver here and there but when you realize that He can bring victory out of ANY situation, then you can find peace and rest in His care….because He careth for you.
Looking ahead, we are launching our second chapter of Sing Over America. This is a national worship gathering for the purpose of establishing the Lordship of Jesus again in our land. It shall happen in September and we will need God’s help in a big way. Thankfully, we know this is of Him so we’re going full speed ahead and trusting Him to put all the pieces in place for this ultra important assembly. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. AMEN!
Friends, I’m so grateful for you. Every week on our Youtube program - An Hour With Jesus, I am keenly aware of touching so many around the world with His presence. I’m humbled to even think about it. Thank you for standing with us and we will continue this as long as we feel a green light for it. I know that each and every week there are those tuning in who are desperate for victory in one area or another. I hope all of you realize that your battles are His battles. Continue to hand your life over to the One who knows how to run it and things will be just fine.
One thing to remember in 2022; nothing happens on this planet but by the permission of it’s Owner. If that realization gets deep down in our spirits, we will approach everyday with a calm and confident trust. Tribulations will come - we’re assured of that. But so will victories because He has already overcome the world. Praise God for the end of the book! Whatever you are facing, be it a physical, financial or spiritual challenge, put it in the hands of the only One who knows the end from the beginning. Then leave it there. For truly, for the believer, every battle belongs to the Lord. Lead on, Captain!
comments ( 47 )
Thank you Terry!! My husband and I have been listening to your music for several years and we LOVE An Hour With Jesus! There are some days we feel so beaten down by the enemy but every time we tune into your program the anxiety melts away and we are restored! We are sooooo grateful for your music, and your comments that encourage us! And we are so thankful for your honesty regarding what is happening in our world, but again always pointing us back to Jesus. We look forward to spending time with you again this coming year, please take heart that your voice is such a blessing and so needed in these trying times. May God continue to bless you!!
Thank you for showing Christ Jesus as our Savior, LORD and soon coming King. Be blessed as you continue serving Him to bless us.
Thank you for sharing these encouraging words…Truly the Lord Jesus is our Defender amidst the battles we are facing during these times. In all these battles, may the LORD be glorified!
I just read this blog of Terry’s from Nov. 27, 2021 and it really ministered to me. I hope I will be notified if he does one for 2023 because we need to hear from servants of the Lord who love Him, serve Him, and know His voice.
It was beautiful! Thank you for the encouragement to the Body of Christ. I am grateful.
I just read this blog of Terry’s from Nov. 27, 2021 and it really ministered to me. I hope I will be notified if he does one for 2023 because we need to hear from servants of the Lord who love Him, serve Him, and know His voice.
It was beautiful! Thank you for the encouragement to the Body of Christ. I am grateful.
Amen brother. I hope I can join you in the singing over America event. I am 36 and recently came to the realization that when I got saved in 2010 and began going to church that the worship leader at church was actually singing a few of your songs. They were songs I was discipled under and I truly love. I looked in Apple Music and found your music recently and have been blessed. The Lord really uses you in worship brother. The music you produce is anointed by our Lord. Not trying to give you the credit or stroke any egos. The music is of another caliber. Majority of the music I hear today irritates me. Anyhow, perhaps my wife and kids can attend the next gathering you do, it would really bless us. I hope you are well, God bless.
May I suggest “The Glory of His Presence” page 52 in Favorites #2 My musical journey began in 1955 when I was 10, playing piano for my father in our services, then for 52 years with my faithful Pastor-Husband from 1967-2019. Often my spirit trends with yours leading to the next song… My deepest gratitude for coming along to minister so personally to me just after my greatest loss on earth. I am faithfully praying for you to compete the perfect work of the LORD until He comes. Thank you for your great faithfulness.
Thank you for your ministry of blessing through worship, it is an inspiration to us as my husband is also a worshiper of music and is battling Stage 4 Prostate cancer.
We praise God for the music of your ministry in our hearts and home!
We pray for a miracle so we can move forward in Kingdom Work for Our Lord.
Bless you and your ministry greatly as it is so needed!
God Bless You,
Paul & Sharon
I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful worship music and commitment to bring hope and comfort to those who tune in. I had not heard of you until one night last year I was looking for gospel music to sleep by and found your “Night Sounds – Liquid Love” on YouTube.
In this turbulent world your music soothes the heart and mind as our focus turns to Jesus for that hour….and then continues to play on in our inner being when quietness comes. I pray continually for America and my country of Canada as we are in a great spiritual battle. But as you have reminded us…It is the Lord’s and he is in control. This is a small gift but a huge token of my appreciation for you sharing your beautiful talent so graciously. May you both be richly blessed, Bernice
Thank you for your encouraging words. I love your worship. It always brings in the Spirit of God. I have several of your cds but must admit I’ve only recently started to listen again you tube. Thank you for your faithfulness
Just learned of you Terry while browsing the internet. I am enjoying your music and am looking forward to some of your CD’s for my car as I drive to and fro.
So, very deep and true what you write Terry. I feeling the Grace and also, the darkness in this world, in my own town too…
Be patient, grateful and be so closed to Him, though happens. And be able to love our neighbors with a attitude like Jesus himself as commands… A special blessing for all the Worshipers Ministry cause certainly, they are shaked…. Sorry for my English-speaking, I come from Switzerland 🇨🇭 Geneva Europe 🇪🇺…
Be 🙌…
The worship is glorious! I’ve been so empty in spirit and worship is reviving me. Thank you Jesus
I love listening to his worship songs they lift my spirit. Even so come Lord Jesus come. It is the wonderful song
My wonderful pastor-husband was escorted to Paradise in Sept. 2019; and right after that I found you!! I have been with you each and every week, praying for the hour with Jesus — for you, your preparations and for each one who comes. It is a powerful ministry to me personally. I just want you and Liz, Pat and the others that we ARE WITH YOU in prayers daily. Our hearts are in full agreement with the leading in your heart as we are drawing closer and closer into His presence. I listen to the video several times each week. This week was a rich blessing!! Thank you very much for your commitment and faithfulness to the LORD and to all of us Matthew 25:40 ones.
I’ve been having dreams, and God is helping me to be able to filled by the Holy Spirit. Last night, I was searching worship music, because I thought to myself that I will worship for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon if I can, then I found your YouTube video “one hour with Jesus” thank you Lord, and thank you, Terry, for such a wonderful worship. Sing a new song to the Lord each day! The battle is the Lord’s. I am truly grateful for the time and effort you put into making those YouTube videos. It touches my heart and brings kingdom atmosphere into my home. Again, thank you, Terry.
Shalom Terry, all is said!! So perfect, so deep and right!
God bless you over and over and thank you, from the deep of my heart, to be a worshiper so inspired and full of joy I been saw and listened in your music…
We reelly need some worshipers truly with God and us, people and servants of Our Holy …Believer Jésus Christ…
Just a simple Shalom from Switzerland 🇨🇭 Geneva, actually 3 am listening yours songs…Philéa Vivian
Just found your program on YouTube. Thanks for reminding us the battle is the Lord’s and He is mighty in battle.
I’m praying for God’s continued anointing on your life. I can hardly wait to meet you in heaven and see how many millions of people were touched by your service to God. Keep fighting the good fight my brother. May God continue to bless you richly, amen.
Will Terry be traveling to the east coast this year for a concert.?
His music is so rich and anointed.
Wow! Thank you for sharing your story! Thank you paying the price to bring us this special, annointed worship that continually catches us up into His glory to to be ever so closer to His heart. Very grateful to you sir. One day we will do the same, only face to face!! Glory!!!
My husband Wilson and I have many of your CDs and were reunited with you by God’s direction when you started “An Hour with Jesus” and never missed a viewing until December 27, 2021 when my husband suddenly passed away (actually he didn’t pass away he graduated to heaven to be with and worship his Jesus. We became Glory Partners in 2020 and I will continue to be one as I believe strongly in the Presence of Jesus. He is my close companion now becoming my husband as well. Our scripture is Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding, Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your path”. AND that is what He is doing. I always enjoy what you share as it is truth and we are to worship in Spirit and truth. Thank you so much for your ministry. With His love, Catherine
Amen! Be blessed dear Terry Mc Almond in everything and I pray for you also for your singer ministry. When I hear your music, there is Praises so inspired by the Holy Spirit and giving me an wonderful feel of hope and rejoice! Amen… blessings 🙌 from Switzerland 🇨🇭 France 🇫🇷 Europe 🇪🇺. There is no gattering in The Kingdom of our Holy Good….
I am one of the recent widows you care for so graciously. I found your Hour With Jesus directly following the home-going of my faithful pastor-husband of 52 years. Recently, I found Isaiah 57:1 to confirm what you have felt. Finis Jennings Dake notes 4 blessings in vs. 1-2. 1.They are taken away from the evil sufferings to come. 2. They enter into eternal peace. 3. They rest from their sufferings. 4. They continue to walk uprightly even in the life to come. This has been a great encouragement for me.
THANK YOU for your faithful service for the LORD! It means more to me, and others, than words can express; as now I am unable to bet out to worship. God Bless You all!
Shalom…What a marvelous Savior we serve with honor with all our adoration for The King of King! Amen!
Shalom…Quel merveilleux Seigneur nous servons avec Honneur au Roi des Rois! Amen
From Switzerland 🇨🇭 France 🇫🇷 Europe 🇪🇺
There is no greater love than that of our Father and Savior Jesus Christ. As I sat here tonight, I read your book, (like you I’m not much of a “reader” anymore), and also have your music playing on You Tube as usual, of one after another of your older songs. I could hardly withstand the Weight of His Glory as He completely enveloped me with His Holy Spirit. Oh, The Anointing and mighty Joy of Our Lord has overwhelmed me. You have to know just how wonderful HE has worked through you as you reach so many around the World for His Good and His Glory. He has used what man meant for evil in this virus to lead you to this ministry and like me I am sure has completely lay claim to His worshipers. Thank you, Pastor Terry, and I continue to pray for you, Liz, Pat, Robin, Esther and all of the ones that are servants of our LORD. Amen. Blessings. Praise God.
p.s. I have almost worn out “Your Kingdom Come” since it plays every time I drive. Have an extra since I order a set. PTL. I had almost worn out “All Your Glory”. before the new one. The more I worship Him, The more anointed and glory filled I feel. I think I will just burst. I just can’t thank you enough and can’t worship Him enough. Nothing is more important than loving HIM!. Amen.
Thanks for the encouraging reminder in your written piece "The Battle Is The Lord’s (Nov. 2021). Yes, the spiritual battle is intense today in this American culture and society; but, I recall Paul’s encouragement (Ephesians 6): “Be strong in the Lord and trust in His mighty power.”
Your music, its performances through the years as well as your leadership/modeling with spiritual worship have been a source of inspiration. May our Lord bless you personally and professionally as you continue to allow Him to transform you and continue to allow Him to bless others through you.
Continue to seek His anointing, peace, protection and favor.
Well, your anointing once again did not disappoint, TMac! The new 💿 is most inspiring and faith-building and beautiful. I especially like the bonus ending. Thank you, Liz and all the countless others who were a part of “birthing” your baby, as you referred to it.
May our Lord continue to use you to usher your spiritual family, old and new, into His Presence through your ministry in 2022. I’m eager to see your tour schedule in order to make plans to attend SOMEthing in 2022!
Also, l didn’t realize until last night’s Hour with Jesus, watching and hearing Robin, that he and Esther had endured such persecution and hardship.
Is there any way that I could help them financially?
If so, please have sweet Pat let me know.
I look forward to meeting you and Liz and Pat, even if it’s on the other side someday.
Your music is all l listen to since discovering you through my friend’s gift of a couple of your CDs several months ago.
I’m STILL awaiting your second book.
All God’s best to you and yours,
Terry your words really struck a chord with me. I’ve been struggling with health issues praying for healing but not yet seen an answer. Thank you for reminding me this battle is God’s not mine. We are attacked by the father of lies. He would love to see us give up. NEVER! I’m praying for you & Liz. I pray God will meet all your needs and send and army of angels to protect you from the enemy. I’m also ordering the new CD. Bless you. I love you both❤🥰🤟
Such an anointed and encouraging reminder of God’s Faithfulness and Sovereignty. Thank you, Bro. Terry!
Brother Terry, thank you for such a powerful and uplifting word for us all in this hour we are living in. Ben and I so appreciate all you do for the Bride of Christ here on Earth and we just finished listening to “Your Kingdom Come” and are still glowing. What a beautiful album from beginning to end bringing such honor and glory to our Heavenly Father and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and such blessing to His Bride. We love you, Liz and Pat with the precious love of our Lord Jesus Christ and pray God’s richest blessings on you and your families during this Christmas season.
Thank you Terry this really ministered to. Since I lost my husband in October I’ve been overwhelmed with all I’ve had to do without him. But remembering that the battle belong to God gives me comfort. Love the hour with Jesus every week. My husband & I used to watch it together. God bless you & Liz for your obedience & faithfulness to our Lord.
God bless you for the encouraging word,I to am facing battles,God is faithfully to his Word no matter we face or even our weaknesses st time,as the word of God said when we are weak then he is strong,thank God for the praise music you sing,the anointing breaking and destroying all the yokes off people’s lives God be the Glory.
Thankyou Terry for the encouragement.ble* you and Liz.look forward to see how the Lord will go before you bith and i as we trust him and as you say the battle belongs to the Lord. From Gwen SA
Terry en liz. Wat een prachtige cd. Ik wil je heel hartelijk bedanken dat je deze voor ons gemaakt hebt. Het brengt ons in aanbidding dicht bij Jezus.. nogmaals dank. Ik ga proberen hem te kopen. Weet niet hoe dat moet vanuit Nederland. Maar komt hopelijk goed. Heel veel zegen toegewenst en rust nu maar even uit na deze strijd waarin de overwinning is behaald
Dear Brother Terry, I have been blessed by your ministry for the last 15 years, as I wish to thank you and the Lord for your precious ministry which unfailingly ushers me into the Presence of the King! I reside in the Philippines now, and it’s true there is sense of foreboding concerning 2022, yet our lives are in His hands and we need not worry. I have a nephew who just moved to Frisco, Texas, his name is Moses, and he has yet to receive Jesus into his life. I wish I could encourage him to attend one of your worship meetings in Frisco. God bless you and your family richly.
Thank you Jesus! Great is our Lord. He is in Charge! I feel calm before taking on today’s challenges, because – the battle is the Lord’s! Hallelujah! Amen. 🕯️
Love your ministry Terry MacAlmon because you lift Jesus Christ and His kingdom very high. Thank you for your consistent exhortation s from God’s wonderful Word. Thank you for sharing His creativity wonderfully 💕
Great to remember what you said – nothing happens on this planet but by the permission of it’s Owner. Amen.
So true, Terry. If it weren’t for His help, His intervention, His love and mercy,many of us would have despaired.
Looking forward to a glorious year in His presence. As you have told us many times, during An Hour with Jesus, it’s in His presence where we find shelter, peace and consolation.
Thank you for helping all of us continue to experience His glory.
Amen thankyou for sharing that praying for you and your wife hope one day you can come to Fresno,Calif. Love your worship!!! Stay strong and keep blessing!!