A New Song

2017 is here. It's a new year. Time for a new song. I don't mean from me, I mean from YOU! I just released a CD with many brand new songs God has given me to share with the body of Christ....His anointing is all over it. It's color is many emotions and expressions of praise and worship offered to Him in new melodies....but I'm not talking about that. A "new song" can come from your heart. Wait - you're not a singer? Can't carry a tune in a bucket? Big deal. My Lord is not impressed with my voice - He's looking at my heart. Yours too!
With the recent surprising election results, I believe God has extended unusual mercy to our nation and we are going to have a great year and hopefully several more following it. Please don't make this writing political because my eyes are on Jesus and none other. However, Mr. Trump has been very sympathetic toward Christians and the institution of the church and I see that as mercy from on high. We have not deserved such mercy and we should be singing a song about it everyday, for His mercies are new each morning. Scripture tells us to sing of His mercy throughout the day and His faithfulness by night. What a great thing to do. Let's look at the author of this idea....King David.
Dave hung out with God in an extraordinary way. I believe God's label of him being "a man after My own heart" was greatly referring to the relationship they shared. I think in David's quiet moments of worship with his lyre, he reached a place of intimacy that caused God to pull back the curtain of heaven and reveal things no one had previously known about. This was so meaningful to the young king that he went into the temple and basically said, "we can't do worship this way anymore". It was no longer suffficient to kill an innocent lamb, spread it's blood on the altar, sing a chant or two in the key of who cares, and call it done. Nope, things were going to change with this minstrel of praise. "I cannot give to God that which costs me nothing", he exclaimed. So David summoned the musicians and singers to be available 24/7 to offer up NEW songs of worship to the Chief Musician. He didn't want just the status quo exercise of worship happening - he wanted fresh praise! Several times in the Psalms we are exhorted to sing a new song. Why? Because God's mercies are NEW each day. Because God is doing something NEW in your heart today that wasn't there yesterday. Because God deserves all the glory for every NEW gift He bestows on His children. Because God....and on and on and on. When you offer up a new song - a song you have never sung before - you are letting the Holy Spirit create melody in you that brings a particular pleasure to the Father. I am dismayed at a lot of today's contemporary worship; mostly because the songs are greatly without melody, without creativity, the next song sounds just like the last one. Come on guys and gals - we can do better than this! Find the sounds that are being sung around the throne and SING THOSE SOUNDS IN A NEW SONG! A much greater glory is due heaven from the earth. Now is the time to release that glory. Now is the time to sing unto the Lord a new song, all the earth!
So, how do you go about accomplishing this command from David? Well, if you have health in your body or need healing in your body, sing a new song to Jehovah Rapha and let Healer be praised. If you need a financial miracle, sing a new song to Jehovah Jireh, and watch the miraculous release of Provider take place. Do you battle a besetting sin in your life that only you and God know about? Begin to sing a new song to Jehovah Tsidkenu and let Righteousness pour over your soul. Are you caught in a whirlwind of chaos and confusion? Begin to worship Jehovah Shalom with a new song and let Peace blow His sweet breeze over your spirit. Do you see where I am going with this? There is a character - a personality trait of God if you will, that is always there for every situation in your life. So begin to sing and let faith arise in your soul. You will build up a much stronger person than you are right now. I have practiced this in so many areas of life and seen the faithfulness of God each time. But above singing a new song for a need I might have, He delights when we simply lift our voice in praise and worship to Him. Just because of who He is, I can sing a new song. We don't have to ask Him for anything, just love Him for everything He is. Ascribe to the Lord the glory that is due His name....and do it with a New Song! He's worthy!
In closing, let me challenge you (and me) to begin each day in 2017 with a new song. It can be all of 30 seconds long, or whatever the Spirit dictates to you. Sing a new melody while you're taking your morning shower, or preparing breakfast, or driving to work. Turn the radio off and just sing. Moms, just sing. Kids, just sing. It will draw you closer to the Lover of your soul....guaranteed!